Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hitler didn't snub Jessie Owens!

Hitler didn't snub Jessie Owens!

Monday, August 08, 2011

Oh Deary Me

Well, it's been quite a long lavishing time since I travelled to the far distance sands of blogger! I've missed the website, as I currently only use it to advertise my HubPages blogs.

Shall I make new blogs about weird and wonderful things? I wonder. I shall perhaps return with a beautiful blog on frogs, or something of that caliber. Sometime soon, maybe.

All is wonderful in the life of Dave, so I shan't have had much time for this website, but since the arrival of my new computer, I have lots of time for love! Especially on Blogger.

Perhaps, perhaps. Raindrops.

Review Of - Race of a Lifetime: How Obama Won the White House

Looking to grab a new book? Or just looking for a good on-line review? Either-way, here's the place to find the Review Of - Race of a Lifetime: How Obama Won the White House

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Encyclopedia of Internet Words/Phrases/Symbols and Their Meanings.

The Encyclopedia of Internet Words/Phrases/Symbols and Their Meanings.

Don't understand all that new talk? Don't get what the internet-slang is about? Here's the encyclopaedia of all words and symbols.

If you could add any on! Please, give you knowledge!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bunny Troopers (Bunny)
Rank 5.
Bunny Troopers are a group of players from W13. They had different leaders back then, their leader then started up on a re-creation of the tribe; on World 22. He then took them to W25 and W46, where Bunny was a quite successful tribe. He then brought them to W57, where most of the group followed like usual. The tribe have then started recruiting in the K45 zone, successfully positioning themselves top of the continent leader-board.

While Bunny is a collection of past-world friends, it is not a premade. The tribe was originally aspired by the leader shortly before the world was created, thus with no planning, not making it a premade. That being said, they do share quite a number of characteristics of the premade: being composed into a small continent, having a small-number of members with large points and troops, characterising themselves on a “no recruitment unless skilled, no diplomacy” profile. The leader of Bunny, whom I interviewed, stated “Bunny isn’t a premade; still we have few ex-Bunnies and also old world mates along with new players recruited from K45”

Bunny’s plan of invasion has been working so far, they’re looking good and a real threatening tribe to anyone in the core, or in North-East for that matter! The leader told me their main mission is to “Securing K45 is obviously the need of the tribe and as you might be aware there is a small skirmish going on between TAC and us” if this works, it’ll not only secure the whole of K45, it’ll put Bunny on level terms with ARMADA. 

Armada is in Orange
TAC is in Pink 
Bunny is in Green

Obviously, viewing this map, it’d seem ARMADA and Bunny will be heading to a major war sometime in the near future. That is unless their rivals, TAC, shall hit them hard in the coming days/weeks. Whatever the circumstances, viewing that map – if they’re going to head into a skirmish war with TAC that could overflow, then go against the most dominate tribe in the world seems even to Bunny as a mission-impossible.

I’d like to wish School Kills Creativity & Bunny-Trooper in the battles at hand; it’ll be hard, but I hope you do well! 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

How to Buy Games Cheap and Quick on Ebay!

How to Buy Games Cheap and Quick on Ebay! - Looking to get a quick, cheap deal on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and other console games? Check this blog for the best ways to buy!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Japanese Earthquake; 11th March 2011.

Japanese Earthquake; 11th March 2011.

Is It Really the end for Potter?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, was released on the 15th of July - with the hit slogan "It All Ends" - But does it? Will this be the last tall tale in the land of Potter?

With Voldermort gone, and the world at peace once again, who could strike Harry down? With so many loose ends tied together; could there really be a New Potter tale in this, or the next decade? I think so.

J.K has always expressed that Seven Books was all she wrote, but now - with the end of Potter, she may have had a turn of heart. In the London premiere J.K stated that whilst she wasn't working, or planning on any new material thus far, she hinted "Never say never" - could this mean we'll see Potter, or indeed, another heroic Wizard battle in the world of Hogwarts? Only time will tell! (Days like these, I wish I had Hermoine's time turner)
Or, maybe she'll be going for a different story on the Potter world altogether, and instead of Potter's future; it could be Dumbledore's, Voldermorts, or even the Four Founders stories!

One thing that is clear is that this isn't the end for all of the Potter Empire. With J.K.Rowling announcing the opening of a large website for Potter fans to browse. This'll include the little stories we never found out about, the detail behind the writing and other great bits! Joanne announced she'd be opening the website in Autumn 2011. With the Potter stars all busy working on their careers and school, will she be adding any new video material into the website?

All I can say is, the Legend ain't over. Potter lives on, from the best-selling, story-special books, to the electrifying, incredible videos. I know Harry Potter won't get old for some time in most houses!

Potter Fans' Forever <3.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fruit Ninja: How to be the best on Arcade Mode

Fruit Ninja: How to be the best on Arcade Mode

This is my in-depth tactical guide into the explosive game Fruit Ninja; Arcade Mode. Please view, like & comment!

GTA: San Andreas. Best Game of All Time?

There has been speculation over this. Not only is it the biggest selling game to date, but it's the most reviewed game ever! Even though all Call Of Duty games are said to be "bestsellers" - they're only top of the charts at the moment. According to Wikipedia this game is "The largest selling game on all three platforms" - of which they mean PS2, Xbox and PC. On IGN, it states "GTA: San Andreas is the largest selling game of all time." 
Grand Theft Auto itself has sold more games in their collection then all of Call of Duty's and any other gaming franchise (excluding Sims who's PC collection is the largest in the world).
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas consists of 3 gangs; Grove Street Greens; The Ballas; The Vigo's - You play Carl Johnson, creator and co-leader (with brother Sweet) of Grove Street. At the start, you're coming back from an eventful five years "on the East Coast" - you have come to see your mothers funeral, after a call from your brother, Sweet.
As the game passes, you become the center of the gang war between the three families. While The Ballas and Vigo's keep their distance from each other - Grove Street don't. Soon after taking over The Ballas hold on Grove Street, you expand. Only to find out your two closest "homies" have set you up. Both Big Smoke and Ryder are working for the Ballas. They also reveal a Green Sabre which was said to have ran your mother over.
You are took to a deserted part of the state, after Sweet is shot and taken to a prison hospital. You begin again, moving away from the Grove. Killing the men that betrayed you and your family.
Soon, you find yourself in Venturas; the Vegas state. You begin to grow your "crew" - with Wu Zi Mu (Woozie), Cesar, your sister Kendall, Zero, The Truth, Jethro, Dwayne, Madd Dogg and others. You have gained fortunes and have a cut in a large amount of business places.
Toreno, your government ally, lets you have Sweet back after months apart. You meet him at the prison but he seems down, while you (Carl) have been jetting off around the state, the Grove has fallen apart. He goes home, only to find the Ballas have taken over. You start to work you way back up on the Grove. Till you have enough territory to scare the Vigo's into talking about the Ballas.
They give Sweet the position of Big Smoke the last traitor to live. CJ (Carl) fights his way up four floors, and finally finds and kills Big Smoke. Then Tenpenny, a Cop who works closely with gangsters, finds you. He is the reason half-the-city is going mad, due to his unpopularity and not getting a sentence in court. He tells Carl to pack his bag full of money. He then runs for it, while Carl chases 4 floors of more guards.
After an eventful chase against Tenpenny on a fire-truck, he finally falls. The Grove is reunited. The story ends. You can still play the game, but no more missions are issued.

Just reading that story makes it the best game, but really, it's all the little things that make this game great. From the mini-missions such as taxi-drivers; ambulance-drivers; vigilance missions; truck/train drivers; boat/plane/car classes; buying houses/property; keeping your girlfriends happy; shooting up at your local gunshop; robbery; keeping Los Santos belonging to the Grove and eliminating the Ballas and Vigo's. It all keeps the game interesting and great!

I love GTA: San Andreas, I'd say without a doubt, the best game of all time - what do you think?

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

David Cameron's Flaws in National Citizen Service.

The new 'National Citizen Service' in the UK got my mind working, I started noticing even though it's an idea; David Cameron has not put a-lot of thought into the plan. If you don't know what the National Citizen Service, or (NCS) is - it's a 8-12 week activity where children, aged 16 - 21, work on a community project. You may be thinking; especially if you're a mother of a child, great! It'll get him/her out the house for a while. 

But, even though it sounds great - it's going to have major flaws. The first one, is one on money. It's said to cost £12,000 per volunteer; there is said to be 19,000 children applying. This could cost up to £200 million, which in a time where we're trying to lower the costs on education/child services, seems idiotic. 
The second is, will kids' aged 16-21, who are looking for part-time work, in apprenticeships, or trying to work/move abroad, want to help the community? If it means not getting paid, missing out on valuable opportunities to get experience in work, and become involved in something they may not enjoy. 

The project is definitely targeted at a more "charismatic" audience, which could be it's downfall. Charismatic children normally go straight for employment, while waiting for 6th form/college to start, they're quick to their feet and will not wait for NCS to start. This'll mean that volunteers may be limited. Many children that are not charismatic may not see the NCS as good - it'd mean having to work with people they've never met before, which in any case, is a challenge for more shyer people. 

Rounding it up, it's a scheme which could either have more thought in, or be scrapped - we want better health care, better public services, centre's of education or fun. Not service. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Heat - What is it?

We've all noticed the uprising of the gorgeous weather on Monday 27th June 2011 - but is this the start of something great for the UK? Or the beginning of the end?

In a recent survey done in London Center, surveyors asked shoppers if "they'd like the weather to stay this way, even if it meant harm to the world in 50 years time?" - an overwhelming 65% of shoppers said they wouldn't mind if the weather stayed at a great temperature all year round.
This brought me to think, do these 65% even know what Global Warming, or Climate Change is? And if so, do they know the effects it may have on not just the world, but them?

Obviously, I couldn't let this go, so to anyone unsure what Climate Change is, here's it in brief:

100 years ago, the Industrial Revolution happened. This created more pollutant gases, which polluted the cities and atmosphere. Due to more and more people buying cars; flying to foreign countries; using tons of aerosols without checking for pollutant gases and other environmentally crippling cases, we've now got more pollution then ever before. This creates the 'Advanced Greenhouse Effect' - which captures more heat, thus making it hotter and the weather more unstable. This is Climate Change in short.

This is just the beginning though, researchers say in 100 years time - all of Australia will be baron and unlivable; Nigeria will have a "gulf" due to intense tsunamis and floods; the Amazon rain-forest will be flat due to mass-deforestation and forest-fires; most of the UK will be underwater; Japan will be completely gone off the map; one of the only livable places will be Greenland; 4/5 of all ice from the North-Pole will be gone.

All of that, in just 100 years. Scary, right?
Well then stop driving so much!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Population Pyramids? How they work!

If you're, like so many of youth today, a GCSE Geography Student, then this is bound to come up somewhere in your course.
Population Pyramids: to put it simply; A chart where Y is age and X is female-male. The 'Pyramid' bit comes from it's design. Due to there being less old people than youth, the chart seems to thin the further up you go. Making a "Pyramid" shape.

The Population Pyramid is split into two graphs: MEDC (More Economically Developed Countries) & LEDC (Less Economically Developed Countries)

The one to our left is the MEDC Pyramid. The one to the right is, quite obviously, the LEDC one.

Now, there are some factors that are obvious just by looking at the graph. The first is, the LEDC one is much, much more steep, more like the Empire State Building. While the MEDC one is buffed out on all sections, except the over 80's, where it starts to thin upwards. (LEDC Pyramid is a graph of Mozambique population) (MEDC Pyramid is a graph of Britain's population)

Secondly, the LEDC graph has a large 0-9 section - with more than 2.3 million children. But this significantly drops in periods 10-14, then again in 15-19, to round about's 1.3 million. That means approximately one million children that are born in Mozambique don't live over teenager age. Why?

There are many reasons for low life expectancy in Mozambique. It's in an continent where many countries suffer from severe poverty (Africa) and is close to some of the most poverty stricken countries in the world, such as: Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Botswana. This means many children die of illness and disease.
The large decrease has other factors, including that many LEDC families have around 8 (average) children - the main reason is because the mother knows only 1-2 will survive the poverty. Crime and youth armies are also two factors that decrease the population. With many teenagers being took from their homes into African armies/tribes.

The MEDC graph also has a "baby-boom" period, in the 30-40's. How did this occur? After WWII, in 1945, many women were relieved to see their husbands back home. Very relieved. And so the happiness took over and many expressed the need to have a baby. This create a huge population boost in 1946 - with around 3 million more babies being born that year. Now, 70 years on, many of the children in the War boom have had children. These children are now 30-40 years old.

The main point on the Y graph is the age difference. On the MEDC graph, it goes up to 100+, whilst on the LEDC graph it sticks to 80+ - This is due to nearly nobody in the LEDC's getting past 80 years of age. With only around 300,000 people reaching that age in Mozambique. The MEDC graph will go to 100+ because of the "elderly population" Britain has, where there is more people aged 50-54 then 0-4. There is also approximately 1 million people over the age of 80 in Britain, while in Mozambique it's only a third of that figure.

That's what Population Pyramids are, I hope you liked this short, brief tutorial on them. They're simple once you understand the concept of the graph. Good luck Geographers!

What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?

Courage the Cowardly Dog.

Moo, you like cows?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The King of...Pointless TV.

After two weeks of the same advertisement, King of finally aired on Channel 4. On Friday the 17th of June. With the host Claudia Winkleman. The new "entertainment" show gave us a good look at how Channel 4's idea's just aren't up to scratch this year; as Skins & Shameless also received their lowest ratings since their beginnings.
The show consisted of mediocre comedians/celebrities talking about what is their "king of" or favorite thing out of a number of options; i.e. Favorite cheese - Cheddar. After a heated and almost boring debate about what is "The King of", the celebrity will give their verdict. Commonly, on game-shows, the decision by the guest is the one hosts take, but not on the King of. Where the host has all power over decisions, rendering the point of guests on the show useless, unless they believe that there is an "amusing" side to the show, which so far, there isn't.
This weeks guests were Sarah Millican; the "Live at the Apollo" comedian and Radio 2's Chris Evans. For the opening show, where you're hoping to grab the viewers, the guest really didn't have my eyes watching. Sarah Millican kicked the show off, with "King of holidays", even though Sarah Millican is a great comic, and has good material on stand-up, she's no good on other peoples script. I found her performance a-bit dull and lifeless, like she herself didn't really want to be there. Winkleman finished with the result, and she picked "Spa Breaks" as the best holiday. I hope I wasn't the only one that thought my god, I'd much rather be sitting in the sun in Spain - then in a mud-pool in Manchester.
Chris Evans then came on, his pick of the King's was with Cheeses. Chris immediately confessed to loving cheese and started blabbering on in his usual manner, one that nobody really listens to but keeps turned on. After around 10 minutes of more boring banter over which cheese was the best, they came to the conclusion that Chris's favorite was. Which was equally weird since it's the one nobody's ever heard of; apart from major cheese eaters.
They then ended the show with "King of Jobs", now - we all know, King of Jobs would be something like a Footballer, TV Presenter, or something else that you get paid millions for a year. But instead, Winkleman went for the weirder approach - bringing out a penguin which chased her around the room for three minutes, while at first funny, at the end I'm sure most of us were thinking "thank god that's over" - they then picked the best job. Which was again, one nobody in real life would've picked.
The show scored ratings of 3.0 out of 5.0, and in some mag's got 2.5. For the first episode, it doesn't seem to be going well for Claudia. Maybe she'll not need that book and can just write down all the King of's on a piece of lined paper.
Good luck Claudia. King of ways to shoot Channel 4's failing comedy again? I'm going to go with this show.