Thursday, June 23, 2011

The King of...Pointless TV.

After two weeks of the same advertisement, King of finally aired on Channel 4. On Friday the 17th of June. With the host Claudia Winkleman. The new "entertainment" show gave us a good look at how Channel 4's idea's just aren't up to scratch this year; as Skins & Shameless also received their lowest ratings since their beginnings.
The show consisted of mediocre comedians/celebrities talking about what is their "king of" or favorite thing out of a number of options; i.e. Favorite cheese - Cheddar. After a heated and almost boring debate about what is "The King of", the celebrity will give their verdict. Commonly, on game-shows, the decision by the guest is the one hosts take, but not on the King of. Where the host has all power over decisions, rendering the point of guests on the show useless, unless they believe that there is an "amusing" side to the show, which so far, there isn't.
This weeks guests were Sarah Millican; the "Live at the Apollo" comedian and Radio 2's Chris Evans. For the opening show, where you're hoping to grab the viewers, the guest really didn't have my eyes watching. Sarah Millican kicked the show off, with "King of holidays", even though Sarah Millican is a great comic, and has good material on stand-up, she's no good on other peoples script. I found her performance a-bit dull and lifeless, like she herself didn't really want to be there. Winkleman finished with the result, and she picked "Spa Breaks" as the best holiday. I hope I wasn't the only one that thought my god, I'd much rather be sitting in the sun in Spain - then in a mud-pool in Manchester.
Chris Evans then came on, his pick of the King's was with Cheeses. Chris immediately confessed to loving cheese and started blabbering on in his usual manner, one that nobody really listens to but keeps turned on. After around 10 minutes of more boring banter over which cheese was the best, they came to the conclusion that Chris's favorite was. Which was equally weird since it's the one nobody's ever heard of; apart from major cheese eaters.
They then ended the show with "King of Jobs", now - we all know, King of Jobs would be something like a Footballer, TV Presenter, or something else that you get paid millions for a year. But instead, Winkleman went for the weirder approach - bringing out a penguin which chased her around the room for three minutes, while at first funny, at the end I'm sure most of us were thinking "thank god that's over" - they then picked the best job. Which was again, one nobody in real life would've picked.
The show scored ratings of 3.0 out of 5.0, and in some mag's got 2.5. For the first episode, it doesn't seem to be going well for Claudia. Maybe she'll not need that book and can just write down all the King of's on a piece of lined paper.
Good luck Claudia. King of ways to shoot Channel 4's failing comedy again? I'm going to go with this show.

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