Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bunny Troopers (Bunny)
Rank 5.
Bunny Troopers are a group of players from W13. They had different leaders back then, their leader then started up on a re-creation of the tribe; on World 22. He then took them to W25 and W46, where Bunny was a quite successful tribe. He then brought them to W57, where most of the group followed like usual. The tribe have then started recruiting in the K45 zone, successfully positioning themselves top of the continent leader-board.

While Bunny is a collection of past-world friends, it is not a premade. The tribe was originally aspired by the leader shortly before the world was created, thus with no planning, not making it a premade. That being said, they do share quite a number of characteristics of the premade: being composed into a small continent, having a small-number of members with large points and troops, characterising themselves on a “no recruitment unless skilled, no diplomacy” profile. The leader of Bunny, whom I interviewed, stated “Bunny isn’t a premade; still we have few ex-Bunnies and also old world mates along with new players recruited from K45”

Bunny’s plan of invasion has been working so far, they’re looking good and a real threatening tribe to anyone in the core, or in North-East for that matter! The leader told me their main mission is to “Securing K45 is obviously the need of the tribe and as you might be aware there is a small skirmish going on between TAC and us” if this works, it’ll not only secure the whole of K45, it’ll put Bunny on level terms with ARMADA. 

Armada is in Orange
TAC is in Pink 
Bunny is in Green

Obviously, viewing this map, it’d seem ARMADA and Bunny will be heading to a major war sometime in the near future. That is unless their rivals, TAC, shall hit them hard in the coming days/weeks. Whatever the circumstances, viewing that map – if they’re going to head into a skirmish war with TAC that could overflow, then go against the most dominate tribe in the world seems even to Bunny as a mission-impossible.

I’d like to wish School Kills Creativity & Bunny-Trooper in the battles at hand; it’ll be hard, but I hope you do well! 

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